Thursday, April 30, 2009

feels like merchinger!


we've been making lewes do shedloads of stuff lately. you'll see a load more soon. if he was a machine we surely would have broken him. anyway, here's our new t-shirt designs. i hope the charm involved overides the fact that we're all awful with colour schemes.
you'll be able to buy these on our Official Johnnyforeignerfeelslikesummertour Tour. sorry jay/rest of world. rejuvenated merchy shop soon, promiseeeeeeeeeeeee...


yay! look at us, we're self-referencing our old shirts and we havnt even put out th second album. post-modernism ftw.
for more visual excellence from lewes "charlotte hatherley phones me at midnight" herriot click me do.


Anonymous said...

please make your tees in XL, some of us are huge! x

Anonymous said...

make it quick to get the merch store, can't wait to get them, since you don't tour in portugal!!!